Please take time to answer all of the questions on this application.  Your answers to the questions will help us to determine if a Pikatti puppy is the right dog for you.  Only fully completed applications will be considered.

Completion of this application does not guarantee you the right to obtain a Pikatti puppy.  It also does not obligate you to purchase one.  Information provided on this application is confidential and will only be used by Pikatti American Eskimos to determine if we have the right dog for you.
Today's Date:
Your Name:
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Street Address:
Email Address:
Best time & place to reach you:
I am a:
I live in a:
The area where I live is:
Do you have a fenced yard:
Do you padlock your gates (If applicable)?:
I am looking for:
The age I prefer is:
I would like a:
Number of family members:
Number of children and their ages:
Young children, especially those under six years of age, need to be carefully watched when interacting with small puppies.  Children need to be taught to handle young puppies with care to prevent injury to the puppy.  They also need to learn how to gain the dog's respect.  This takes additional time and energy.  If you have children in this age range, be sure you have plenty of extra time to work with the puppy and the child(ren).  Children should NEVER be left unattended with a puppy or small dog.
Are all family members in agreement about getting an American Eskimo puppy:
Do any family members have allergies to or fear of dogs:
Who will be the primary caretaker for the dog?:
Is this person aware of the time and energy needed to care for a young puppy?  Is the person willing and able to accept that responsibility?
Will the cost of raising and caring for this puppy fit comfortably in your budget?  (Initial puppy shots, monthly heartworm medication, booster vaccinations, crate, bedding, food, toys, grooming products, leads, collars, training classes, etc.)
Are you committed to caring for this dog for his/her lifetime?  (Average life span is 15 years)
How far are you willing to travel to pick up your new dog:
Where will your puppy stay during the day?  At night?  While you are away?  How many hours will the puppy be left without human supervision during the day?
Do you plan to use a crate for housebreaking:
If not what method do you plan to use?
Are you willing to take your dog to training classes so that he or she will grow up to be an enjoyable companion and a canine good citizen?
Please check the activities in which you are interested or in which you have experience

Have you ever owned a dog before:
If yes, what breed?:
Do you still have it?:
If not, what happened to it?:
Have you ever euthanized a dog?
If so, for what reason?  (Please describe circumstances leading to decision if reason for euthanizing was other than failing health.)
Why have you decided to purchase an American Eskimo?:
Pikatti Puppy Application
Please describe what type of personality, temperament and activity level you are looking for in your American Eskimo.
What leisure activities and hobbies does your family enjoy and which would you like your American Eskimo to participate in with you?
Do you have other pets or animals?:
Number and type of other pets or animals:
Please list at least 2 references with their contact information and the name, address and phone number of your veterinarian
Please use this field for any additional information that you feel is important.  If you have a specific timeframe during which you would like to obtain a puppy, please use this box to provide that information.
If a Pikatti puppy is not available, do you give permission for us to pass your contact infomation on to other breeders who may have something available?
Please describe your experience including any titles or achievements, number of litters whelped or general information about you and your dogs.
If Other, please specify
If the gender you prefer is not available, would you accept a puppy of the opposite sex?
Therapy work